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  • Vsauce!

    Vsauce の時間がやってきました!

  • Kevin here.


  • Plymouth Colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans shared an autumn feast in 1621 marking what many refer to as the first Thanksgiving.

    プリマス植民者とワンパノアグ族は 1621 年に秋のお祭りを共催しましたが、これが感謝祭の起源だと言われています。

  • Four men were sent on a "fowling mission" to prepare for the three day event.

    3 日間に渡るこのイベントのために、4 人の男が「鳥狩り」に出たわけですが、

  • It's believed they brought back wild turkey, which were in abundance at the time, thus starting the tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving in the United States.


  • A holiday often referred to as "Turkey Day."


  • Only 1% of the population of Japan is estimated to be Christian, so Christmas is obviously not a national holiday.

    日本人のクリスチャン人口は全体のわずか 1% ですから、クリスマスは当然ながら国民の祝日ではないのです。

  • But in 1974, KFC's marketing campaign "Kentucky For Christmas" was a huge hit and remains popular to this day.

    しかし、KFC が 1974 年に「クリスマスには KFC を」と銘打ったキャンペーンを実施たところ、これが大ヒットとなり現在までその人気は継続しています。

  • The lines of people waiting for a bucket of chicken can be over two hours long, and some order their holiday chicken buckets months in advance.

    箱入りフライドチキンを求める人の列は 2 時間待ち以上で、中には何カ月も前から予約をする人もいるくらいです。

  • Italian tradition states that Le Befana flies around Italy leaving fruits, nuts, and candy for good children and coal candy for bad ones.


  • It's said she sheltered the three wise men for a night and when asked to join them on their journey to find the infant baby Jesus, she declined because she had too much housework.

    3 人の賢者が生まれたばかりの乳飲み子イエスを探す旅の途中、彼女の家で一晩泊まったのですが、ベファーナも一緒に行かないかと誘われた際に家事がたくさんあるからいけないと断ったそうです。

  • The next day she regretted her decision and tried to find them unsuccessfully.


  • So to this day, Le Befana flies around on her broomstick looking for the baby Jesus and giving candy, good or bad, to children.


  • King's cake is known in many different countries but has become especially popular in the Southern United States during Mardi Gras celebrations, originally brought by colonists from France and Spain.


  • The cake is often made from twisted cinnamon bread topped with icing, featuring a hidden plastic baby figurine or other trinket inside.


  • The person that eats the slice with the trinket will be blessed with good luck but is then obligated to make the next king's cake.


  • In the 12 seconds before midnight on New Years Eve in Spain it's tradition to eat 12 grapes, one with each chime of the bell to predict your luck for the upcoming year.

    スペインでは、元旦の午前 0 時の 12 秒前から毎秒 1 個のブドウを鐘の音と共に食べる風習があり、各ブドウに翌年の幸運を祈願します。

  • Each grape represents a different month of the year, and if you can eat all of the grapes, it's said to bring prosperity.

    各ブドウはひと月を表しており、12 か月分全部食べると実り多い年が待っている、といった具合です。

  • It's believed this custom started in 1909 when popular wine growers had an abundance of grapes.

    この風習は 1909 年に始まったと言われていますが、当時はワイン畑にブドウがあふれんばかりに生っていたからだということです。

  • Eating red bean paste porridge with small rice balls is a popular Korean tradition for the Winter Solstice.


  • Red beans symbolize the chasing away of evil spirits, and the rice balls symbolize new life.


  • Bowls of this porridge are placed around the house to ward off evil, and if you eat the same number of rice balls as your age, it symbolizes the successful passing of the upcoming year.

    お粥の入ったお椀が家のあちこちに置かれて悪魔の魂を締め出し、自分の歳と同じ数だけのお餅を食べると、やってくる年に実りある 1 年を過ごすことができるというわけです。

  • Pan de Muerto or bread of the dead is made in the weeks prior to Dia de los Muertos - celebrated on November 1st and 2nd in Mexico.

    パン・デ・ムエルト、別名「死者のパン」は、メキシコで 11 月 1 日・2 日に祝われる死者の日に備えて数週間前から準備されます。

  • The bread is enjoyed by the family of the deceased and set upon the altar of loved ones that have passed, and it's often decorated with bones and a tear.


  • Other dishes are also placed on the altar to help feed the traveling souls of the dead.


  • Finally, France is Europe's number one producer, exporter, and consumer of oysters, and 50 percent of their annual oyster consumption occurs between Christmas and New Years.


  • So, if you're in France during that time, you'll probably be eating oysters.


  • If you like eating oysters.


  • Whether you're eating grapes, oysters, turkey, or around a tiny plastic baby, have a happy holiday and as always, thanks for watching.



Vsauce の時間がやってきました!

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